Our Services
Private Classes
A class that gives you 100% of the instructors attention. Can be booked as a single class, or series of classes.Semi-Private Classes
A class for two students which can be booked as a single or series of classes.Private Group Classes
You can book the studio for a single lesson or a series of classes for your personal group - any size!Group Classes
Found on our scheduling website - book any class you want in the appropriate level for your skills!
Bachelorette, Birthday Party, Girls Weekend, even a Corporate event - any reason you want to have your own private party at the studio!Events and Performances
You can hire our professional team for entertainment at your event!
To request a quote for your event, contact us at: Ascensonaerials@gmail.comGift Cards
Buy your loved one a gift card that can be used for any of the services that the studio offers!
Studio Rentals
You can book a rental at the studio to practice, train for a competition or showcase, or to host an event.
Studio Rental Fee
1 person - $30/hr - $50/1.5hrs
2 people - $40hr - $60/1.5 hrs
3 people - $60/hr - $70/1.5hrs
4 people - $80/hr - $90/1.5hrs
5 people - $100/hr -$110/1.5 hrs
* All prices are subject to HST
Prices are shown as the cost to be paid to the studio, not per person